Title IX Intern


Title IX Intern


Lauren Chatfield


Sarah Cramer, supervisor



Lauren Chatfield, “Title IX Intern,” Internship Showcase, accessed April 26, 2024, https://internshipshowcase.omeka.net/items/show/67.

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Sarah Cramer

Lauren,You told me that if the condom accessibility intiative was succesful, you would feel like the most accomplished student on campus.  I would say the project is 3x larger than you orginally hoped, and a raging success.  So, do you feel like the most accomplished student on campus?!?!I loved hearing you summarize your work and I hope you take as much pride in it as I do.  You did an excellent job managing your calendar, working autonomously on projects, and adjusting to a 40-hour per week schedule overnight. We BOTH learned a lot about Instagram in January, and I am so glad that your fingerprints will be all over health education social media posts for months to come.  I also can't WAIT until our financial abuse prevention workhop is a hall program.  I'm very glad to hear what you learned is helpful and relevant to your future career as a medical doctor.Thank you for all your work this January.  You will continue to see ripples of your efforts--sometimes literally plastered to the walls(!!)--for all your remaining years at Centre.  Make sure you point to it and say, "that was me!"Sarah

Meg Whelan

Amazing work, Lauren!! Literally cannot wait to see how you will carry this knowledge and experience into your remaining time at Centre and through your future career in medicine. Thank you! 

Lloyd Chatfield II

I'm pretty sure you accomplished more for the student body with this one term than I did in all of my college years.  Very proud of you!

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